Prof. Dra. Inmaculada Postigo
PDI / Coordinadora
Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Malaga, PhD in Communication and Master in New Information and Communication Technologies. She is currently the Dean of the Centre.
Women for Palestine
Teresa Vera
Professor of Journalism
Professor of Journalism, Vice-Dean of Academic Organisation, Teaching Staff and Equality.
Professor of Journalism in the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Malaga, PhD in Contemporary History. She teaches Communication Theories in the Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Journalism, Equality and Human Rights in Europe.
Women for Palestine Ruth de Frutos
Journalist and Researche
Ruth de Frutos is a journalist and researcher specialising in human rights and journalism. She currently works as a lecturer in Journalism at the University of Malaga and collaborates with different media such as La Marea, Píkara Magazine. El Salto or La Poderío, of which she is co-founder with seven other colleagues.
Women for Palestine Javier Díaz Muriana
Journalist and Coordinator
Journalist. Master in International Cooperation for Development, Public Management of NGOs by the Euro-Arab Foundation/CICODE of the University of Granada and Master in Culture of Peace, Education, Conflicts and Human Rights by the University of Malaga. He currently works as an international and training consultant specialising in communication for social change and analyst on Palestine, and is an International Cooperation Technician for this project.
Women for Palestine
Manal Tamimi
Field workers coordinator
A Palestinian human rights activist and defender, who lives in the village of Nabi Saleh in Ramallah Governorate, which suffers from the theft of its lands by settlements. She holds a master’s degree in international humanitarian law and a diploma in constructive resistance studies. Manal is a mother of 3 sons and one daughter.
Women for Palestine Mahmoud Soliman
Research Fellow Coventry University, UK.
Dr Mahmoud Soliman is a Palestinian farmer, nonviolent activist and academic. Soliman is a research fellow at the Center for Trust, peace and Social Relations, Coventry University. He completed his PhD in Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies from Coventry University in April 2019. His thesis focus was on mobilization of Palestinian society towards nonviolent resistance in the Period from 2004-2014.
Women for Palestine
Alejandro Alvarado
Lecturer and researcher at the University of Malaga
Associate Professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Malaga. Filmmaker specialising in creative documentary and film programmer. He has been academic coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Audiovisual Creation and Performing Arts at the University of Málaga since 2017. He holds a PhD with European mention in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Málaga (2016) and a Master in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary from the Universidat Autònoma de Barcelona (2000). He has been a visiting lecturer at the University of Melbourne (2012).
Women for Palestine Concha Barquero
Associate Professor at the University of Malaga
Filmmaker, teacher, researcher and film programmer. She holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Malaga (1999) and a Master’s Degree in Scriptwriting for Film and Television from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2000). She has formed a creative tandem with Alejandro Alvarado since 2001. As a professional, he has combined cultural and informative television with documentary filmmaking.
Women for Palestine
Marcial García
Lecturer and researcher at the University of Malaga
Lecturer in the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Malaga. University of Malaga. Doctor in Information Sciences. Vice-Dean of Students, Culture and Cooperation of the Centre.
Women for Palestine