The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC) is independent grassroot organization established in 2009 aiming at mobilizing Palestinians against the apartheid Wall and illegal Israeli settlements. It was born from the anti-Wall and anti-Settlement popular movement that started in the early 2000’s in different villages throughout the West Bank. After years of informal cooperation and shared mobilization between Palestinian communities engaged in popular resistance against the Israeli occupation, activists from the various village-based centers of the struggle came together to form the Coordination Committee, a common platform acting as a steering body for all the grassroots local popular committees.

The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee was formed by prominent activists in the popular committees from all over the Occupied Territories and across the Palestinian political spectrum. Popular committees present a unique form of community-based organizing and resistance in the tradition of the first Palestinian Intifada

The PCHR is a non-profit, independent, non-governmental organisation headquartered in Gaza, which investigates and exposes human rights violations throughout the Occupied Palestinian State. It was founded in 1995 by Palestinian lawyers concerned with international human rights advocacy. Since then they have been working to protect the rights of the Palestinian population in the occupied territory, providing training in IHL and IHRL, advocating for the rule of law, good governance and challenging the climate of impunity in the field of prevention and protection in the face of chronic crises.

The Centre’s work is carried out by documenting and investigating human rights violations, providing legal assistance and advice to individuals and groups, and preparing international lawsuits and prosecuting war criminals worldwide.